17 May 2019

Image of Friday Bulletin - 17 May 2019

Dates for your Diary – Summer Term 2019

  • Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening, Monday 17 June 3.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. - please note the change of date 
  • Summer Half Term - Monday 27 - Friday 31 May
  • Durham Johnston Music Festival – Friday 28th June, James Hall 
  • Music for a Summer Evening – Friday 5th July, Atrium Café
  • KS3 Celebrations Evening  – Monday 8th July, James Hall (Big Band and finalists from the Music Festival will be performing at this event)


Change of Contact Details: A Gentle Reminder to all Parents

To ensure that there is clear communication between school and home it is extremely important that parents notify school of any changes to their contact details.

There are a number of situations when we may need to contact a parent or a designated alternative contact. For example, when a child is ill and needs to be collected from school or where there is the need to close the school because of an emergency situation or as the result of inclement weather.

The most common reason to contact a parent is to discuss a matter concerning their child.

You can notify the school of changes to your contact details by downloading the form below and returning it via your child to the main Reception desk.

Change of Pupil Contact Details

Alternatively, you can simply send an email with your new contact details to the following email address GDPRTeam@durhamjohnston.org.uk

Thank you for your co-operation.

House System News

House Cup

Click here for a copy of the leader board for the House Cup.

1966 - a good year for England but sadly not for Annand!

It's close at the top - house points matter, both in class and in competitions.  We urge all students to get on board!

House Representatives

Week commencing June 3 will see a series of house meetings take place.  This meeting provides an opportunity for house representatives and leaders to suggest ways in which they can move the house system forward, as well as suggesting event and activities that their forms would like to see happening this term.

All representatives will receive a letter in form time on Monday 20th.

I look forward to hearing their ideas

Miss Forbes, Senior Teacher and Subject Leader for Business and Computing


Music Notices

12th Durham Johnston School Music Festival

Many thanks to all pupils who have entered the 2019 School Music Festival which will take place on the evening of Friday 28th June in James Hall. Entries for the intermediate and advanced classes are now closed and although they are slightly oversubscribed, we have decided not to hold preliminary rounds. However, there are still a few spaces in the first round, so if your child is currently playing a piece between grades 1 and 3, then please do encourage them to enter. Entries will remain open until the class is full. 

Music Festival Entry Form


Johnston Stompers

The Johnston Stompers will be performing in school on the evening of July 8th between 6 and 6.45 and there will be a rehearsal in preparation for this on Friday 21st June. If your child is a member of this ensemble and you haven’t yet received a letter about this, please do follow this link for more details. 

Johnston Stompers Information Letter


Music for a Summer Evening – Friday 5th July, Atrium Café, 19.00.

Year 13 musicians, along with their families and friends are warmly invited to this informal ‘cabaret–style’ event which will take place in the Atrium Café. If you would like to attend, tickets are available from the Music Department at a cost of £7.00. This includes food and your first drink and please note that performers still need to purchase a ticket to cover refreshment costs.

If any of year 13 would like to provide a musical item, please ask them to let a member of the music department know and it can be added to the running order. Similarly, if they would like to organise a group item as a last chance to perform with friends, then let us know.


Free Folk Music Workshop

In partnership with Durham Johnston School, The English Folk Dance and Song Society are holding a workshop in School on Saturday 1st June. There are still a few places available for this, although please note that participants must be at least 14 to apply. For further details please follow click here or visit the EFDSS website  www.efdss.org/youthfolk 


Guitar Day

Guitar pupils of Mr Clark (Durham Music Service) are warmly invited to a ‘Day of Guitar’ which will be held at The Sjovoll Centre at Framwellgate Moor School on Monday 1st July. For more information please click on the link below. Please note that completed forms need to be returned either me or Mr Clark before Friday 14th June. 

Day of Guitar

Mr Holmes -Subject Leader for Music

PE Department News 

On a very busy Monday our U13 boys and girls tennis teams were competing in the County finals. Our girls played very well losing their final match to Durham High School to finish in 3rd place. It was better news for our boys who had a comfortable 6 – 0 victory against Barnard Castle to become County champions. Also on Monday our Year 9 & 10 rounders teams were at Durham High for league games. Our Year 9 team lost an excellent game 31 – 48 with Jenny Horridge player of the match. Our Year 10 team however won a close game 46 – 35 with Izzy Fear player of the match.

Finally on Monday our Year 8 cricket team were taking on St Leonard’s in the county cup. Unfortunately several dropped catches allowed them to build up a large total. Despite a solid batting display we couldn’t catch them losing by 26 runs.

On Tuesday our Junior and Inter athletics teams were at Riverside Stadium, Chester-le-Street for the Area championships. In perfect conditions we produced some excellent performances to finish with the following results:

Junior Girls

1st – Durham Johnston

2nd – St Leonard's Catholic School

3rd – Whitworth

Junior Boys

1st – Durham Johnston

2nd – St Leonard's Catholic School

3rd – Durham Schools

 Inter Girls

1st –St Leonard's Catholic School

2nd – Durham Johnston

3rd – Hermitage

 Inter Boys

1st –St Leonard's Catholic School

2nd – Durham Johnston

3rd – Durham School


On Wednesday the county cup cricket continued with our Year 10 team taking on Parkview. We restricted them to 66 runs and produced a very good batting performance to reach their total after only 7 overs. We now face Hetton in the next round.

It was back to rounders on Thursday as our Year 7 & 8 teams travelled to Durham School.

Our Year 7 team won 58 – 47 with Arianne Jones player of the match and the Year 8’s won 57 – 31 with Lucy Hetherington player of the match.

 Mr Hopper -Subject Leader for PE


Word of the Week