10 May 2019

Image of Friday Bulletin - 10 May 2019

Dates for your Diary – Summer Term 2019

  • Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening, Monday 17 June 3.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. - please note the change of date 
  • Summer Half Term - Monday 27 - Friday 31 May
  • Durham Johnston Music Festival – Friday 28th June, James Hall 
  • Music for a Summer Evening – Friday 5th July, Atrium Café
  • KS3 Celebrations Evening  – Monday 8th July, James Hall (Big Band and finalists from the Music Festival will be performing at this event)


Mr O'Sullivan Writes

10th May 2019 - 5 Years, What A Surprise


Year 11 have had a wonderful last day at the school and we will miss them. Five years has passed very quickly. Below are my comments from the Year Book that Mr Weaver and a dedicated group of Year 11 students worked tirelessly to produce. 

I have a vivid memory you arriving as year 7 students in 2014. You stood on the yard in uniforms a little too big, a bit scratchy around the collar and looked nervously up at the older, taller students. You are now those students. As an adult, time passes very quickly, but for many of you that may seem like a lifetime ago; 5 years of constant change. When you started at Durham Johnston Obama was still President in America: we had a Coalition government led by David Cameron and Nick Clegg; Sunderland were in the Premiership and no one had ever heard or used the phrase ‘Brexit.’

You have been an excellent year group. I have found you to be considerate, thoughtful and willing to act upon advice. Durham Johnston is a comprehensive school and you have met and worked with people from a variety of backgrounds and with different viewpoints. You have treated each other kindly in most cases and have developed friendships that will last for a long time. We will miss you, but I hope to see the majority of you in September as members of the school 6th Form and wish you success in both your exams and all your future endeavours.

Adh mór!

Mr O'Sullivan


Year 10 Health and Social Care Students Welcome Visitors

On Thursday Year 10 health and social students welcomed adults with learning disabilities into school for the day.

The service users from the GOALS project in Pelton performed their samba drum set for us, then our wonderful Chamber Choir performed two sublime pieces.

Service users and their carers claimed the choir needed to be on BGT!

After spending lunch together the pupils and adults potted a selection of plants in pots designed and made by our group with help from gardening club.

A fantastic afternoon for all concerned. 

Mrs White, PE Department


Kids Lit Quiz

Please click on the following link to read the North East News - Spring Newsletter sent to us by the organisers of the Kids Lit Quiz NE.  Following our team's success in the National Final in 2018, we will certainly be fielding a team in December 2019.

Mrs Lugsden, English Department


Year 12 Computer Scientists Victorious


Five of our Year 12 Computer Science students took part in a problem solving challenge at the University of Sunderland on Wednesday.  The competition, labelled Operation Cobalt, saw 6 schools compete to solve 30 computer science related questions across 2 timed sessions.  A very strong field included students from Dame Allan’s School, Newcastle College, Royal Grammar School Newcastle, Middlesbrough Sixth Form College and Harton Academy.  Durham Johnston students took a comfortable lead in the morning session only to be pushed right to the very last question before gaining enough points to win the competition.

Many thanks to the staff at the University of Sunderland for hosting an excellent competition.  Very well done to Suliman, Charley, Thomas, Mitchell and Euan for flying the flag for the Computer Scientists at Durham Johnston, the team spirit, team work and excellent level of knowledge saw us through to the end.  

Well done!

(A very proud) Mr Digby, Computing Department


PE Department News

On Tuesday our Year 7 cricket team had an excellent win in the County cup against Emmanuel College. Chasing 96 to win we hit the winning runs with 2 overs to spare with Harvey Wright top scoring. 

Also on Tuesday our Year 7 & 8 rounders teams took on Durham High. Both teams produced outstanding performances to win. Our Year 7’s won 68 – 43 with Rosa Bainbridge named Player of match. The year 8’s winning 76 – 62 with Amy Wren Player of match.

Yesterday our athletics teams were at Monkton in the first round of the English School Cup. It was an excellent day for Durham Johnston as we achieved the following results:
Junior girls – 1st
Junior boys – 1st
Inter girls – 2nd
Inter boys – 3rd
We are waiting to hear if all our teams have qualified for the regional round after half-term.

Also yesterday our Year 11 Futsal team were taking on Prudhoe High in the final of the Tyneside Cup. This was an excellent game which was close throughout. Despite a late comeback we couldn’t find a final goal losing 8 – 7.

Finally, yesterday our Year 7 & 8 rounders teams took on Lanchester St Bede’s. The achieved two more comfortable victories with the Year 7’s winning 73 – 30 and the Year 8 team winning 62 – 20. Rosa Bainbridge and Ruby Phillips were voted players of the match.

Good luck today to our U13 girls cricket team who are competing in the Area “Chance to Compete” tournament at Sacriston CC today and also to  our Year 7 girls basketball team who have travelled to Manchester National basketball centre to compete in the National Finals day, having already become Northern champions. This is an outstanding achievement to reach the last 8 schools in the country!

Mr Hopper, Subject Leader for PE

Rugby Referees Win Award!

Congratulations to our Year 11 'Young Match Officials' Jessica Hindmarsh, Ocean Bryson, Lucy Dixon, James McClaurin and Felix Collin.

These five students worked hard to gain both Level 1 & 2 referee qualifications and this season have put their new skills into practice, officiating during countywide competitions.

The YMO programme was sponsored by 'Vic Young' and our five students were invited to an awards night at Kingston Park prior to the Falcons vs Northampton match.

Due to officiating more matches than any other school, all five were presented with caps and the school was awarded a bag full of kit. The students were a credit to the school. 

Well done and thank you to the students for putting in the time and effort!

Mr Humberstone, PE Department


Word of the Week