14 December 2018

Our house system identified “giving back” as a key strand for our development. This month we wanted to focus on young people in our community. Working with Families First we were paired with Durham Young Carers and so began our Christmas Toy Appeal campaign.
On Wednesday a lady from Durham Young Carers came in to collect the gifts our students had bought. When she saw the mass of presents she burst into tears, as did I - so emotional. There were hundreds of gifts under our tree, so much thought and effort had gone into each, an amazing contribution from those involved. The gifts will be given to children who care for ill parents (and other family members), as well as children from families who are struggling financially.
Christmas is such a happy time of year for so many, but so difficult for others. It’s always good to give back, to think of others, to do something to make somebody smile. To all the carers out there we salute you - you are magic. I hope we have given you a little bit of magic in return.
Merry Christmas to all.
Miss Forbes & The House Leaders