
Detail (& some links)


A Level Subjects.   Abraham Lincoln said “If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend four hours sharpening my axe” Preparation is key to success at advanced level study and this unusual time period gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in some meaningful preparation.  For each of your subjects there is the requirement to engage with the bridging work.  This is likely to include keeping up to date with contemporary issues in your subject areas

Transferrable Skills

Use this time to build up a range of skills that will be relevant to A Level study, university and future employment.  Most of the areas below are covered by ISC - ISC Professional - follow the links to the left of the front page on this website, for the ones you are interested in learning more about.

Academic Extras

  • Academic writing is confidently uncertain – we will have an assembly on this cross-curricular area next academic year.  Also – look at this from UCAS
  • EPQs – an excellent way to develop your research, independent work and communication skills – provides evidence of 100 hours of independent work.  Every year a number of sixth form students complete this well respected qualification.  You could use this time to complete a relevant Future Learn course that introduces how to approach EPQs.
  • Oxford University resources for all Key Stages – including: Maths, English, Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science and an ‘All Subjects’ section – check out the ‘Curious Minds’ section.
  • LIBF (Relevant for all – help you make better financial decisions for the rest of your life).  
  • MOOCS – Massive open online courses.  I like Future Learn courses. Brilliant, interesting and specifically designed to be followed remotely – have a look if there is something for you – Future Learn
  • Reading / watching / on-line lectures / virtual work experiences – are becoming available all of the time – look for something relevant and of interest to you.

Resilience / Wellbeing

At DJSF we take mental wellbeing seriously and work together to build resilience and good habits.  Our Year 12 survey in May 2021 was shared with students and staff in depth.  These are some of the useful websites that we suggest you explore – many form the basis for Tutor group discussions.