9 July 2020

Dear Students in Years 11, 12 and 13,
We have now finalised our plans for our Examination Results Days, and want to ensure you are clear about the arrangements. Please read the following carefully, clicking on the links to see the letters applicable to you.
A Level and AS Level Results Day: Thursday 13th August 2020
Students in Year 13 are invited to school to collect results from 8.30am.
Parking on-site will be available but as we have to consider numbers, entrance to the building will be for students only. Your safety is our priority.
Please return any textbooks and your locker key. Please put your name on a piece of paper inside the cover of returned books and put your locker key in an envelope with your name, form and locker number.
Please click here to read a letter with more information.
Students in Year 12 who were entered for external AS courses will receive these results electronically via your school email on Thursday 13th August.
Please click here to read a letter with more information.
GCSE Results Day: Thursday 20th August 2020
Students in Year 11 are invited to school to collect results from 8.30am.
Parking on-site will be available but as we have to consider numbers, entrance to the building will be for students only. Your safety is our priority.
Please return any textbooks and your locker key. Please put your name on a piece of paper inside the cover of returned books and put your locker key in an envelope with your name, form and locker number.
Once you have collected your results, please refer to this flowchart about what to do next.
If you are a current student, and have applied for a place at Durham Johnston Sixth Form, please click here to read a letter with more information.
If you have applied for a place at Durham Johnston Sixth Form, but will be new to the school in September, please click here to read a letter with more information.
Finally, Ofqual have produced the following infographic explaining how schools and exam boards have calculated this year's GCSE and A level grades. Please click here to view it.
We look forward to seeing you on these dates; please contact the school if you have any queries about this process.